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Creator Interview - Cloudiicreations

We are continuing our new series of Creator Interviews, showcasing the amazing creators across the nerdy fandoms. We are extremely excited to share @cloudiicreations with our readers. She has incredible cosplays that are a must see for any cosplay and anime fan! She has incredible cosplay from the Nier universe where we first discovered her for our Nier Infinite GI Channel, but then were blown away at other cosplays such as Starfire, Yor and many more! Cosplay is a captivating art that demands creativity, skill, and dedication. It's not just about costumes, but about bringing characters to life through crafting, makeup, and role-playing. Successful cosplay showcases a unique blend of talent and energy, and we see that in Cloudi.

@cloudiicreations Cosplayer Interview:

GI: 1. How did you get started with cosplaying, and what inspired you to pursue it?

Cloudi: It actually wasn’t until covid I got into watching anime! My first ever anime was My Hero Academia and before I knew it, I was surrounded in MHA content all over tiktok. I specifically remember seeing this one Dabi cosplayer all over my feed which got me wondering what I would look like as the character. One night I went on amazon, bought some latex, purple paint, and a random black wig. I threw on a white tshirt and took mirror selfies in my bathroom which immediately resulted in a surge of confidence. I placed another amazon order that same night for about three other characters I was interested in dressing up as it was history from that point.

GI: 2. Can you tell us about your favorite cosplay project and the challenges you faced while creating it?

Cloudi: The only cosplay I’ve fully built myself is Tomura Shigaraki. I’ve attempted this project twice. The first time back in December 2021 was honestly rough, causing me to immediately give up the first time. I used latex gloves, stuffed them with polyfil, covered them in paper mache, then spray painted them a dull blue color before hot gluing them to a thrifted black blazer. Needless to say they didn’t stick to the coat and fell apart during my costest. I was so frustrated throughout the entire process as it was turning up to me much harder than I imagined. I couldn’t help but compare my work to every other cosplayers and think of how overall crappy this looked.

I ended up going with another cosplay and for a few months I hadn’t bothered to try again, until I was invited to join an MHA villains group for another upcoming convention. I didn’t want to wear something I wasn’t happy with, but I was determined to get the results I wanted. After doing extensive research, I decided to 3D print models of the hands and spray paint them again, then cut up some cardboard and paint that for his little boxes. After completing the project, I couldn’t tell you how happy I was with the results, especially wearing it at one of Chicago’s biggest conventions and having this be the first cosplay post of mine to go viral. It might’ve been a pain but every frustrating moment was worth it!

(Cloudiicreations Cosplays)

GI: 3. What’s your process for selecting a character to cosplay? Do you have a particular genre or theme you prefer?

Cloudi: I’ll cosplay anyone with a cool design. I love cosplaying characters with a similar personality to mine! I also like cosplaying women who know they could kill you. Villains are something I’ll always enjoy cosplaying, too. Other than that, I’ll occasionally cosplay a character I kin, oftentimes gender bending male cosplays into their female counterparts.

GI: 4. What is a character from any fandom that is at the top of your cosplay wishlist?

Cloudi: Reze from Chainsaw Man as the bomb devil! She’ll be an upcoming project for ACEN 2024.

GI: 5. How do you balance staying true to a character’s design while adding your own creative touches to the cosplay?

Cloudi: I find myself sticking to a character’s canon outfit while doing my makeup however I think looks best! One of my favorite characters to cosplay is Mitsuri and although she doesn’t wear green and pink eyeshadow, I like how it gives my cosplay a unique artistic touch. Same with characters like Yor Forger or 2b, who I give a dark smokey eye to really enhance my eye color and facial expressions.

GI: 6. Have you ever had a cosplay malfunction or unexpected issue during an event? How did you handle it?

Cloudi: Every single time I cosplay Genshin I experience a malfunction, lol! I love how gorgeous these cosplays are but also hate how intricate they are at the same time. My mona vision has been fixed three times now at three different conventions! I’ve learned to always carry a hot glue gun whenever cosplaying from this fandom since the pieces breaking are unpredictable and inevitable.

GI: 7. What’s your favorite video game and / or fandom?

Cloudi: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. I recently started the anime and was hooked from the beginning. Rebecca is another cosplan I have planned.

GI: 8. Cosplay can be time-consuming. How do you manage your time between creating costumes and other responsibilities?

Cloudi: Honestly, I don’t. I won’t even lie when I say I’m quite an infamous con cruncher, always thinking I can get things done last minute and piling them together days before con! I’m working on it though, I promise. Ask me the same question a year from today and and you’ll have a better answer. (hopefully)

GI: 9. Are there any characters you’re hesitant to cosplay due to their complexity or design challenges?

Cloudi: Jinx from Arcane has been another dream cosplay of mine since I’ve started cosplaying, but I’m too much of a novice to put her together! I definitely don’t want to cosplay her without her shock pistol, flame chompers, and fishbones. Once I master more basic prop making I plan to hopefully acquire the skill set to bring her to life!

GI: 10. For our @nierinfinite audience, what is it about Nier cosplay that you enjoy most? What is it about 2b that speaks to you. What do you enjoy most about her?

Cloudi: The Nier fan base often tends to focus on 2b’s appearance rather than take time to decipher who she really is. 2b is the most tragic character out of the Nier trio and also the one carrying the story on her back. 2b has a lot, if not the most, character development from her past. She’s an insanely well written character and a bad ass bitch if I may say so myself. Alongside her being the best modern representation in rpgs, it helps her character design is comfortable to wear for long periods of time at conventions!

Thank you for joining us for our interview with Creator @cloudiicreations and their art. Consider following them, and follow us on your preferred social media! Let us know what other creators we should showcase here on Creator Interviews or in Creator Round Up! You can support Game Infinite financially and get special discounts HERE.

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