Momocon 2023 - Round Up and Recap
Game Infinite had the opportunity to attend Momocon 2023 in Atlanta, Ga. We absolutely had a fantastic time meeting so many amazing Cosplayers, Indie Devs, and Fan Artists. It was a great time to shoot some cosplay photos and pick up some unique fan arts, as well as meet up with our wonderful sponsors, Cheeby Tea IRL again. I got the chance to meet an artist I have been a big fan of for a while, Raikoart as they have some absolutely incredible pieces. It was also amazing to see incredible anime wrapped vehicles from everything Nier to My Hero Academia. Additionally, while it may not be relevant to gaming, I am a huge Battlebots fan and have been since I was a kid; being able to see a battle bot in person for the first time in my life was a next level experience.
Check out these amazing creators we met below!
Cosplay is always HUGE at cons. It is a major reason why many people go, and of course, cosplay is a huge part of the Game Infinite community, as many of the creators we support and creators in our audience are cosplayers. It never ceases to amaze me the creativity and imagination of the cosplay community. Momocon did not disappoint in that department as so many amazing cosplayers showed up to wow us with their unique takes on characters. I loved seeing "Western Cowboy Mando". I loved seeing One Punch Man and Nier Automata representation!
Hades (Zagreus) - @aoc0000
Fem Shep: @codilw
Mando Cowboy: @thecowboywade
Zero Two: @sicophant
Attack on Titan: @juliastunts
Various Star Wars by @official501st
Tifa Lockhart @shaescosplay
Kaine: @yvkichie
Fan Artists
Fan Art is on of the most exciting parts of going to cons, as I always manage to bring home new and exciting pieces for my collection, and the opportunity to put a face to artists I am sometimes already following is a real exciting moment. Some of these creators I've followed for years, or seen their work online, so the chance to meet the minds behind the pencil is always really cool. At momocon, I managed to get one of the coolest Mass Effect pieces I've ever seen, and a chance to meet an artist I've followed for years with Raikoart.
Mass Effect: @crystalvfae
2b (Pixel): @sleezycasteezy
Yor / 2b (Action) / D.Va: @raikoart
Tifa: @wlop
2b (Gold): @Glance_reviver
Indie Devs
Indie Games are always at the heart, the foundation of Game Infinite. So whenever I see indie developers at any con, I always get excited! It was fantastic to meet these incredible indie dev teams at Momocon! I got a chance to sit down and play several, and talk with the talented minds behind some of these incredible games. I hope to include some of these in June's Infinite Summer indie game line up!
Dungeon Defenders - @Chromatic_games
Retro Blazer - @retro_blazer
Stellar Watch - @StellarWatch_gg
Anime / Pop Culture Cars
Momocon had an entire section of anime and pop culture vehicles. My personal favorite were the two Nier inspired cars.
Cheeby Tea
We originally met Cheeby Tea at Augustacon, so it was great to see these guys again at Momocon. We have since partnered with them to be official Game Infinite sponsors, as well share their delicious anime style teas to our audience. You can bring home some of their brand new flavors!