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New Game News - November 2020

(New Game Tuesday is now New Game News! When New Game Tuesday shifted to a monthly format, I still had it come out on Tuesdays. However, as sometimes the first Tuesday of the month fell late into the month, some games were already out. Game Infinite has recently gone through a massive update in visual design. Our new uniform look brings a design aesthetic across posts regardless of news, game content, or community content. With this redesign, I am updating NGT into New Game News, which will come on the first of the month, to better prep our followers for major and exciting games coming out each month.) November is here, and with a last minute delay of already Gold, Cyberpunk 2077 I have to say this month is kicking off with some sad news. However, that being said, November 2020 is a special and unique month with it being the launch of the wildly anticipated Next Gen Consoles. Both PS5 and Xbox Series X | S launch this month. This article will focus on new game releases, not necessarily games that launched previously but have their next-gen versions are arriving. Major titles like Watchdogs Legion or Fortnite are receiving next gen versions this month for example.

"New Game News" showcases some major game releases of the month! Scroll down to see if any of the major releases appeal to you!

1. Destiny 2 Beyond Light

Release Date: 11/10

Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC, Stadia, (PS5 and Xbox Series X at Console Launch)

Developer: Bungie

Publisher: Bungie

I loved Destiny 2 and played through the original campaign at launch. However, like some, that was a satisfying end to my journey to me, and I never had returned. The various expansions did intrigue me but I never had the time or the actual sit down to revisit. I was content to wait for an eventual Destiny 3. The reveal of Destiny 2 Beyond Light looked really great and I was very much intrigued. The reveal of Beyond Light came along a shift in philosophy from the developers that Destiny 3 would probably never happen. Destiny 2 was going to be an ongoing experience with two more major expansions already revealed. This coincided with the events of the insane year that has been 2020. With months of shut down, quarantine, and working from home, I made myself a quarantine list of games I wanted to get off my backlog. Normally I feel like I can't justify going back to finish older games, because I am always trying to focus on newer games for Game Infinite. This year gave me some time to lower my backlog, and the Destiny 2 expansions were one of them. I loved Forsaken and Shadowkeep, and I can't wait for Beyond Light. Beyond Light introduces a new location and new powers that look to excite existing, returning, and new players! A late piece of news that really was a treat for Xbox fans was the news that Destiny 2 and the expansions came to Xbox Game Pass. While I originally had Destiny 2 on PS4, thanks to cross-progression, I was able to switch it to Xbox, and will be able to play Beyond Light at no extra cost.

2. Demon Souls Remake

Release Date: 10/30

Platforms: PS5

Developer: SIE Japan Studio, Bluepoint Games

Publisher: Sony

I have never played the Demon/Dark Souls games. The dark fantasy genre has just never appealed to me, but I know that many fans are excited for the remake of the one that started it all. Demon Souls was the spiritual predecessor to the widely popular Dark Souls Trilogy.

3. Godfall

Release Date: 11/12

Platforms: PS5

Developer: Counterplay Games

Publisher: Gearbox Software

Godfall has the honor of being the first confirmed PS5 game; in fact it technically "revealed" the PS5 logo before the actual PS5 logo reveal. Ever since this Destiny-esque "looter-slasher" as it has been called, looks very intriguing. In fact it is next-gen only games like Godfall that are really exciting me for getting a PS5. I can't wait for this one.

4. The Pathless

Release Date: 11/12

Platforms: PS4, PS5, PC, (iOS, tvOS, Mac, - Arcade)

Developer: Giant Squid

I don't know if The Pathless is the first or only game, but it is certainly the only one that I have seen that is launching on current gen, next gen, pc, AND mobile. A lot of games that could very easily come to mobile and run on mobile just fine still choose to skip it. I just don't understand why the financially motivated suits don't understand. They think that we hate "mobile games" and it is true that many gamers hate "mobile games" but that is because so many mobile games are bad and poorly monetized. They don't get that we gamers just want console quality games ported to mobile with cross progression. Pre-2020 Fortnite and more recently Genshin Impact's 250 Million dollars on mobile alone all show us that console level games CAN RUN on mobile and MAKE MONEY. I am excited to have this beautiful game on so many platforms.

5. Spider-man Miles Morales

Release Date: 11/12

Platforms: PS5, PS4

Developer: Insomniac Games

Publisher: Sony

Expansion? Sequel? Not a "full-sequel"? Standalone Expansion? PS5 Next-gen Exclusive? Wait, it's actually coming to PS4? Wait, what happened to Peter Parker's face?

No other game has had more confusing mixed messaging and confusing information than Spider-man Miles Morales. During it's original reveal that was much confusion on it being DLC, expansion, sequel, ect... After much conflicting information, we finally understand now that it is a "Standalone Expansion" shorter than the main game but still a decent larger game. The weird bundling and lack of upgrade path and save transfers for Spider-man PS4 owners is really a shame. The back-pedal of the game coming to PS4 after all, and more has just been a drop in the bucket of exciting discussion around the Spider-man game.

6. Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War

Release Date: 11/13

Platforms: PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PC

Developer: Treyarch, Raven, High Moon, Been, Sledgehammer Games

Publisher: Activision

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War isn’t supposed to exist. For those familiar with what little we know about the development history of this years Call of Duty, and for hardcore Call of Duty fans, we know that Black Ops is Treyarch’s baby. On Activision’s three year cycle, Treyarch wasn’t due to give us another Black Ops until 2021. This year would have been Sledgehammer Games’s turn. So what happened? Well what we know so far is Raven Entertainment, a support team, was supposedly taking the lead and either Raven or Sledgehammer, something fell behind. Even before Covid something was wrong with the 2020 COD forcing Activision to bring Treyarch into the fold. This also reproted called for some delayed in announcement as this was one of the latest reveals yet. We know COD 2020 was going to be something different before being rebranded into Black Ops.

When this news broke originally, my first reaction was if Activision is utilizing Two of their main studios and one support studio to hurry up and finish Cod 2020, and Infinityward was hot off the launch of Modern Warfare and Warzone, the most live service Cod so far, then who’s left to work on COD 2021? These are games that take years and everyone is on deck making content for Warzone, Modernwarfare, and now Cold War.

I’m excited for what Cold War turned into, even if it makes me curious on their long term plan. We also just recently learned that Cold War’s weapons and operators will merge into Warzone in December.

As for the campaign, Cold War is said to be a true sequel to the original Black Ops story.

7. Assassin's Creed Valhala

Release Date: 11/10

Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC, Stadia

Developer: Ubisoft

Publisher: Ubisoft

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is the next installment in the beloved Franchise. After years with Origins and Odyssey, both with similr visual similarities, it will be nice to travel to a new world with a new look. Plus it always was a fascinating idea to see the previously stealth based combat combined with the visceral and agressive combat of the Viking age. With the promise of true Viking combat, duel wielding, and more, I am very excited for this next installment. Ubisoft has run into a lot of controversy this year, so they really need Valhalla to be a polished and praised hit.

As always, stay tuned here on Game Infinite News for the latest gaming news! Check back next month for New Game Tuesday!


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